Hello, everyone~ Long time no see!

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ShallowShadows's avatar
Hello, dA friends and watchers, long time no see yet again! How has everyone been? I'm pretty awful at managing my time well, and I've been busy with life, but I'll try my best to come on here more. I miss everyone's beautiful art and wonderful selves!

Anime Boston 2010 was great, in other news. I met so many amazing people and had such a wonderful time! I'll probably write up about that in my Livejournal yohlee.livejournal.com sometime. Friday I was Ciel, Saturday I was America, and Sunday I was teen!cowboy!America. Ref pic is here mentalsugar.net/misc/ab2010cos… if you're curious whether you saw me or not. I'll be going to ConnectiCon2010 as well to celebrate my birthday, which is the Friday of that con, so let me know if you'll be there so I can say hi. ^^


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BR0KEN-TYP3-WRIT3R's avatar
Woot! You're still alive! I'm glad you have fun at Anime Boston.
Have you thought about the hotel room for ConnectiCon? Oh, and what do you want for your birthday?